Here I branch off my body as I darken. The poison that is fed to me is doing its job quite properly. Fascinating isn’t it that I still grow with the poison in my veins? Yet, it wasn’t always like this.
I first bloomed by the kiss of the sun, the wet soil, and the melody of the rain as I grew on the side of the house. With hope and excitement I broke free of the burdened prison – awaiting light and love. There was a time when the house felt like a home. Laughter, happiness, and pleasantries enveloped the home into warmth. However, as time passed that warmth turned into cold- freezing any sense of love. Instead hatred, violence, curses, sadness, greed, envy, and madness took its place.
I was foolish. Deluded to believe that I was loved. To believe that warmth actually existed. It was all a façade.
The poison that I once believed was for my good ended up darkening me. My leaves that were once a bright green have darkened into a shadow. My branches that would home other blissful creatures only welcome parasites now. Yet, I am helpless. I cannot do anything. I cannot resist the poison nor can I resist hoping.
All I can do is wait for my demise.