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Group poem in tune to Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

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Never be ashamed to fail,
And never leave the battle
Because you won’t get the chance
To relight that dry, dark, dead candle. ~Daniel Wronski

To take a step forward but realize
Every door has its own key
Every year is a new start so try again
Or pick up where you left off and
Make each step count ~Josephine Vaccaro

Tear down what we tend to hide,
Hold my hand; we’ll push through together,
Till we escape to our sweet spot,
And find what we’ve not known before. ~Daniel Wronski

I breathe and look upon my past to sigh,
Blink to see my inward eye,
And swallow to inherit plaguing memories.
Pointing toward a new road,
I stare. ~James Brischetta

Say “hello” to new and good
The good that changes our hearts
Say “goodbye” to the bad and old which scars our souls
Scarred souls are damaged goods once great ~Abdallah Ahmed

Engage yourself, remake yourself;
From the dust and dirt build something
So grand, so bold, so we behold
You just breaking your mold
And nursing your soul. ~Daniel Wronski

Like the moon dragging herself
across the empty sky, you will go
painting the earth in shades of you.
I see a new day in you. ~Mia Carranza

Crazy how time flies but here we are now
A new beginning comes
That yellow you see it is there beaming bright
Your past doesn’t define you
Have faith ~Erin Foo

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