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Coffee? Part 7

by Margaret Iuni

This is part of an on-going series. To read the last part of this story, click here.

I opened the door to my room and we walked in together. The air felt heavier than it had hours before, but more breathable somehow.

“Oh, hang on, just have to go get my pillow and a blanket.” Sears took a few steps backwards before he finally turned around to go through the door. I took in my messy room and started to clear the floor so that Sears would have a place to sleep. I was in the middle of tossing a pile of folded socks into a drawer when Sears knocked softly on the doorframe.

“Hi,” he yawned.

“Welcome back,” I kicked the last few magazines off to the side, “Cleared a spot for you.” It was too late for full sentences, so conversation stopped pretty quickly as we settled in until Sears rolled over to face my bed.

“Macy?” I wrenched open my numb jaw and managed to make a small noise so he knew I was listening. “I just… you’re my best friend. That’s all.” I imagined him as he rolled back over to stare at the ceiling, his eyes were probably crinkled in that worried look I knew so well, mouth raised on one end and dropped on the other. As a reply, I threw my pillow and blanket onto the floor next to him and rolled off my bed on top of them. He gave a silent laugh as he helped me get comfortable. The rain and Sears’ steady breathing lulled me to sleep better than any lullaby.


“Good morning, sunshine.” Target pulled the curtains back to reveal the blazing sun. I groaned and stuffed my face back into my pillow. “I really should say good afternoon. You need to start packing, Macy. I let you sleep in as long as I could,” he offered apologetically. I mumbled incoherently in his general direction until I remembered Sears sleeping next to me. I sat up quickly, searching the empty floor for a sign of him. Target gave me a knowing look. “He got up two hours ago… do I need to talk to the two of you?” That woke me up.

“Oh, dear lord, no, absolutely not.”

“Are you sure, because…” Target drifted into uncomfortable silence and looked out the window to avoid my face.

“Yes, sir! Sure!” I launched myself up from the floor and flung the door open to the bathroom, desperate to escape the awkward. I was not successful.

“Macy!” Sears stood in the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist and toothbrush in his mouth.

“I wasn’t done talking to you,” Target’s voice chimed in as he exited my room and found me standing looking at a nearly naked Sears with toothpaste now dribbling down his toothbrush. “Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to know a more detailed plan for the day. But now I have to ask again–”

“Please don’t,” I begged, glancing at Sears who had spit and was rinsing his toothbrush.

“Ask what, sir?” Sears began, but I threw my hand out to tell him to stop. Instead, it landed on his bare, freshly showered chest and he looked down on it in surprise.

“If I needed to place some new house rules. It seems like the answer to that is yes,” Target eyed my hand still glued to Sears. I dropped it quickly, accidentally brushing the top of his towel.

“No!” Target raised his eyebrows as I protested. “Promise.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head but seemed to at least temporarily give up as he turned his back and headed down the stairs. We heard the front door open and close as our eyes met. His were much more amused than mine were as he pieced together what must have happened in my room.

“You alright there?”

“I need to shower,” I jokingly glared at him as he laughed at me.

“Be out of your way in a second. Want me to make you coffee?” I could have kissed him.

After dinner and halfway through my third cup of coffee, Sears started worrying. “I just don’t understand. Where’d he go? And why isn’t he back? It’s been hours…” He paced the kitchen while he considered the possibilities. We’d tried calling his cell a few times, but no luck.

“Maybe he went to go pick up supplies,” I suggested as I took a sip.

“I doubt it.” Sears had barely gotten the words out before the doorbell rang.

“Package for Mr. Indagatus?” The UPS guy was back.

“Great, thanks,” Sears mumbled as he signed for it. As we closed the door, I raised my eyebrows.

“Absolutely not,” he cut off my suggestion before it even left my mouth.

“Pretty, pretty please?” I gave him my best puppy dog face.

“Fine, but if he asks you have no idea what’s in here.” This worked for me. We brought the small envelope back into the kitchen and placed it on the counter. There was no return label, just the name Samuel O. Samson. We ripped off the tape and Sears pulled out a letter.

“What’s it say?” I drummed my fingers on the countertop. Sears eyes raced down the paper and glanced up, fear in his eyes. He passed me the letter and I read it out loud

“If you are receiving this letter, I’ve been compromised in some way. If I miss two check-ins, this gets sent to you two. So listen up, you’ve got one shot at this. You know where the cash is. Get on a train and get off somewhere busy. Get a cab and take it to 795 Moth Road. There’s always someone at the office. Tell them Sam Samson sent you. They’ll take it from there. Get yourselves gone. TWS.”

“TWS?” I asked, eyes wide.

“Dad’s initials. Let’s go. We don’t have time to talk.”

“Well you’d better make some,” Minnie walked through the kitchen door. “But I guess that can wait ‘til we get in the car.”

“You’re not supposed to be here,” Sears gritted his teeth.

“Yeah, well, if you have no time for talking then you definitely have no time for questions.” Oh, I had a few of my own.

“How’d you get in here?” I couldn’t help myself.

“Your mom gave my mom an emergency key… found out this morning that you were leaving, thought I’d take a look around the house.” Minnie shrugged, hiding her hurt. “I thought you were running away from your uncle.”

“No, but we are running away,” Sears shot me a look to shut up before I said too much.

“I know. I heard.”

“How long have you been here?” Sears suddenly looked alarmed. “We didn’t hear you come in. Dad would kill me.”

“Came in through the back when I saw the UPS guy ring the bell. Doesn’t matter though. Go get what you need. You guys need to go and I’m coming with you.”

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