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by Joseph Simone

Home means nothing when you’ve never left it

Home only takes shape when there’s a measure of distance far beyond you can walk

Between you and its comforts

Home is a place where time stops

It’s the still photo that you can judge how much life changes

The world moves so fast

But Home is the anchor that we can latch onto

When the tepid waters of unmindfulness sting our bare feet


You adapt to your environment

You can only truly judge how changed you are by your home

And it doesn’t matter where it moves, who leaves it, or if its comfort fades

Home is home, and you’ll know where you find it

When your heart is at rest

When ancient thoughts creep back into your conscience

When family or friendship call you back

It’s the trumpet in the charge

In a sea of obscurity and uncertainty it tells you what you must do

To charge on but to look back when you need to


Home is a time to stop and reflect on how much has changed

The home may not be warm, it may be empty

But it should give you a piece of your soul you’ve lost on your travels

Home is where you go when the 7 is under construction at 1 am on a Thursday night


Home is where you’ve been raised

It’s the place that dictates if you say coffee or cawfee

Home is why I say soda instead of pop

Home is why I’m plenty happy being the dot of eggshell

On a wall of earthen tones

Maybe you’ve found a new home in the hearth of your friend’s fire

Maybe you never found a “where” to migrate back to

Then let it be wherever you call back to take a resting slumber


Home has meaning now, and it calls back to you just when you’ve left it

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