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by Joseph Simone

The shaggy headed man child with the receding hairline grasps for the remaining piece of ordinary

Too grown too fast, from Super Smash Bros to driving to confused wandering through 42nd Street Times Square to running with untied shoelaces to 67th Street on the Upper West Side

Never fond of childhood, he never feared growing up

Growing up in his life meant a continual theme of more fun, more expression, more choice and more individuality as his white and loving parents added little to his responsibilities

Growing up is a mystical electrifying experience for an 18 year old that doesn’t do his own laundry

Growing up means arbitrarily going out later and no longer being shamed when he has sex

Growing up still meant no drugs or alcohol, but the shaggy headed man child wasn’t interested in drugs

Though he had a ritualistic sweetspot for alcohol

Maturity hit strikingly as the scruff bearded childman walked around campus unsure what to eat as the cafeteria never opened that day

Maturity meant dinner á la animal crackers and realizing the looming consequences of the mistake he made

Maturity meant going to a concert without any word to his parents

Reality called promptly and ensured the 7 was closed at 1 am on a Thursday morning with no alarm and escorted the sweaty denim clad boy back on the 12:36 to home

Growing up meant his parents picked him up at 2 am on a Thursday

Stupidity highlighted the mistake of not filling out the Uber app’s credit card information before he left that night

Hindsight meant knowing that all of this could have been avoided

Immaturity meant not having his own debit card to fill the Uber’s financial information with

No credit meant no prior job and a telling of his pampered immaturity

Home meant he wasn’t getting to class tomorrow

Optimism told him it didn’t matter

Reality soon chimed in and lightly aired “I agree”

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