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The Heaviness of Hollowness

by Erin Ajello


I have always felt so empty,

hollow at the core,

lacking something “more”.


Inside me lay only a vast void,

a gargantuan silence,

an enormous abyss.


I thought what was missing was gleeful,

a joyful innocence,

perhaps happiness.


In my teenage years I sought to fill this,

stuffing myself with poison,

gorging to fill what’s within.


Instead of fixing myself, I lost myself,

my originality,

my true personality.


In time, I came back to my senses,

felt more alive,

learned to survive.


And then-

Doctor, Doctor, tell me what’s wrong

There’s been so much pain for too long.

I cannot begin to comprehend

How my body can create so much red.


Please darling, come in, sit down.

I wish earlier you would have come ‘round.

We may need to run more tests,

We’ll share the results after a rest.




I knew I was empty.




It’s confirmed, I’m broken.


No children,

No family,

No motherhood for me.

Godfuckingdamn infertility.


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