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by Erin Ajello I’ve been slaughtered and kissed I’ve struck love and missed Yet you slayed me.   Stake to the heart, High stakes falling… Read More »Preying


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by Erin Ajello Inhale, while counting to ten. Hold, while counting to eight. Exhale, while counting to twelve. Again, calmly. Ten. Eight. Twelve. Again, and… Read More »10-8-12


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by Erin Ajello   Hands are the first part of a boy that seems to matter   At five years old, a boy’s hands are… Read More »#metoo

Saving Options

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by Erin Ajello Setting: Time: November 2017. Place: A college campus in upstate New York; an apartment in Staten Island. Characters: Dorothy- a sophomore in… Read More »Saving Options

Me Too

  • Plays

by Erin Ajello   Setting: Time: October of 2017 Place: A college town in New York. Characters: Veronica- a college student, 20 Briana- a college… Read More »Me Too