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by Sophia Lee Do you know what I would do for you? My lord, my king, my god- The beat of my heart And the… Read More »Loyalty


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by Jessica Altieri  He’s not my best friend He’s not my brother He is not a stranger He’s been troubled He’s passed on He is… Read More »Okay

Cast Systems

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by Jessica Altieri Concrete, bright yellow gauze, and a layer of dirt and ink As if you really fell down a flight of stairs She… Read More »Cast Systems

Tired and Trying

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by Erin Ajello Permanent jet lag I have no time zone that suits my sleeping patterns It’s not that I’m up all night It’s that… Read More »Tired and Trying

Hands #3

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by Slavena Salve Nissan If we were somehow separated for many years, and if I became an old blind woman, I would pick out my… Read More »Hands #3

Hands #2

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by Slavena Salve Nissan It’s dark all around us. Sweat exhaust shouting. Dirty wet grit. Things rush past us, colliding with us. Sometimes, I lose… Read More »Hands #2