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May 2018 magazine


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by Asim Deen That night we sat Beneath the willow tree Next to           the canal; It rained. I saw your… Read More »Willow


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by Asim Deen Gradually it begins, my limbs, the first to go Gently then, my body begins, to     float. Carried by, the ripples,… Read More »Ecstasy


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by Aaron Fernando when kindling burns, every person who sees it thinks of ashes destruction beauty.   when kindling burns, its scent makes its way… Read More »kindling


by Aaron Fernando The hum of fluorescent lights has a certain worldliness to it. Like the crackling embers of a bonfire. Or the run-on sentences… Read More »Hum


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by Dora Gelerinter My fingers skirt over the keyboard keys, Clicking through as quickly as possible. My mind is running on one track, Chinese test,… Read More »Other