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Slavena Salve Nissan


by Slavena Salve Nissan Intersections Intersections as far as the eye can see Buildings bricks spires Gothic Revival Art Deco Cracks in the sidewalk Sunshine… Read More »Impressions

My Body

by Slavena Salve Nissan My body is not a temple. She won’t be covered up. She is not to be worshiped for her purity or… Read More »My Body

Hands #6

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by Slavena Salve Nissan Calm hands on a violent body. A pulsating, bubbling hot body. An exploding body. My violent body in your cool hands.… Read More »Hands #6

Hands #5

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by Slavena Salve Nissan Swollen joints. Cracks over my knuckles. An old scar, jagged and thick, runs down one palm. My hands. Sometimes, I cry… Read More »Hands #5

Hands #3

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by Slavena Salve Nissan If we were somehow separated for many years, and if I became an old blind woman, I would pick out my… Read More »Hands #3

Hands #2

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by Slavena Salve Nissan It’s dark all around us. Sweat exhaust shouting. Dirty wet grit. Things rush past us, colliding with us. Sometimes, I lose… Read More »Hands #2