
Our deliverable is a podcast explaining the field of music therapy, its importance to the public, and how important state recognition is for the field. We hope to reach out to all individuals, in an attempt to educate them about the field and what they can do to help bring about state recognition. We also hope that our podcast will appeal to various people and that they will do whatever they can to help educate and advocate for the cause.

The digital deliverable that we have constructed is a two-fold endeavor that seeks to bring about several learning outcomes. The deliverable that is in the form of a podcast consists of educating the public about the topic at hand, with the intention of bringing about the audience’s advocacy for the issue. Hence, the podcast is entitled “Music Therapy: Educate and Advocate.” The deliverable is synthesized from a recording of the physical engagement conducted on our part with musical therapy, overlaid with vital portions of the interviews conducted with Brian Abrams, Ellen Whealton, and Kalani, all board-certified music therapists. The first learning goal is educating the audience as to what exactly constitutes music therapy. The voices of The Therapeutic Trio and Brian Abrams will bring about that learning outcome by providing a definition for the field, an explanation about the range of clients for whom it is used to treat, a description of the systematic way in which music therapy is utilized, and, ultimately, the creation of a distinction from it and other allied health professions. To help illustrate the impact of music therapy, a potent reflection will be made about our music therapy sessions with patients of Beth Israel Medical Center.The second learning outcome lies along educating the listeners about the issue of the lack of state recognition and the dangers it poses to the field of music therapy. Parts of Ellen Whealton’s interview is used to convey this to the audience. Lastly, Whealton and Kalani’s voices will be used to inform the public about how they can take part in advocating for music therapy itself. The first two learning outcomes should establish a concrete picture of the field within the audience’s mind, allowing them to internalize the final message of the deliverable and take part in the advocacy endeavor.

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