“Theoretical Perspectives on the City” discusses Emile Durkheim and how he viewed the rapid change from rural to urban society life of Europe during that time. Durkheim had a very interesting theory about traditional small communities (gemeinschaft) and the modern urban society (gesellschaft). He said that the people of these small communities were equal in many ways; they had similar jobs, the same religion, same global view, and everyone is close to or related to one another. This creates a sense of community, and bond between the people of the neighborhood. This can directly to apply to NYC neighborhoods because it truly explains the development of small communities, like “Little Italy” or “Chinatown.” These neighborhoods are created and thrive because the people are so similar, in ways of their religion, worldview, and sometimes occupations. That sense of similarity helps them to expand and interact within their neighborhood, without having to leave the comfort that familiarity brings. However, neighborhoods with a mix of different type of people and occupations also have a reason to thrive; because they have different occupations, they depend on one another out of necessity. This is a theory that could explain the other neighborhoods of mixed occupations throughout the city.