Public Housing in New York City faces various problems. From the flawed approach of the affordable housing plan by Major Bill de Balsio, that combines Robert Moses and Bloomberg’s approach to housing projects, to the funding deficit New York City Housing Authority faces. The affordable housing plan, is supposed to be better than Robert Moses and Bloomberg by including inclusionary zoning. However, the three main problems that arise from Bloomberg’s model, is that it hasn’t produce much low cost housing, it fails to match population growth, and the rising inequality of income. New Yorkers must deal with the lack of affordable housing, due to it being based off of the area median income, and they must deal with terrible living conditions if they living in affordable housing due to the budget cut for the NYCHA. Many tenants face living in apartments filled with mold and water damage, most of which goes unrecorded and unenforced.
Question: What are the housing models, that other cities use? What are the housing problems other cities face?