Meeting time & location: 6:00pm to 7:30pm on February 12th, 2015 at Board office, 1664 Park Avenue in East Harlem
This meeting was conducted by the environment, open space & parks committee. “The Parks committee is charged with the responsibility of working closely with the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, its affiliate organizations, Elected Officials and other state and federal environmental agencies, to ensure the preservation, conservation, maintenance, renovation and enjoyment of East Harlem Parks, playgrounds, ball fields, recreational facilities, community gardens, riverbanks, open public land and green spaces for East Harlem citizens.”
During the meeting, the committee addressed the James Weldon Johnson Playground, located on 103rd Street between Lexington and Third Avenues. In the previous meeting, the residents had asked for a variety of improvements to the playground, including better lighting, new swings and other equipment, training equipment, sprinklers for children, a leisure area for the elderly and last but not least open the P.S 57 school playground to the general. In this meeting, they discussed how they planned to resolve these issues. They put into place a plan that defined regions of open public space and other regions designated for children, adults or elderly leisurely activities. They included a drainage system for rainwater. They even planned to create a gate in order to allow access to the P.S 57 playground. They also increased lighting and placed in walkways for easier access. The two questions raised by the guests in the meeting were will there be a dedicated children’s playground area for children and parents? and Dedicated areas for senior exercise and seating? In the meeting, they had stated that there will in fact be a children’s playground and seating for the elderly. They also agreed that the meager wall, with a mural on it, will not be removed. They will also place two water fountains. Unfortunately, they will not be able to add a full court basketball court due to insufficient space. The James Weldon Johnson Playground was one of 35 parks targeted by Mayor Bill De Blasio in the community Parks Initiative. $130 million dollars were provided to help restructure 35 under-maintained parks.
The meeting also had guest speaker Rasheed Hoslop, Deputy Director of GreenThumb Community Gardening Program. The program provides material support, property management, educational planning and citywide events. I thought this was an excellent program since it provided a means for the community to gather together to improve their community. I was disappointed since the meeting only seemed to focus on two parks, whereas many parks in East Harlem are under-maintained and under-funded. I was made aware that there were a few requests that they had not addressed this meeting including the addition of more park patrol personnel in a few parks as well as improve a playground and a few Esplanades (open public areas). I had also read before attending the meeting that they had planned to add a skate park to Thomas Jefferson Park but they did not address it. From what I’ve read it seems they will be starting soon since the skate park designed was approved.