Many New Yorkers thought that Hurricane Sandy would be like Hurricane Irene, imperceptible and not nearly as destructive as it actually was. Hurricane Sandy is proof of the major climate changes we are experiencing today. As stated in PlaNYC, annual temperatures may increase by as high as 3.0 degrees Fahrenheit by 2020. This increase will also be accompanied by an increase in rainfall and sea levels, slowly drowning NYC. PlaNYC intends to help prevent these devastating effects from damaging many of NYC’s amenities like transportation. Hurricane Sandy ruined many of the train lines, delaying hundreds of thousands of people that rely exclusively on the train as their means of transportation. PlaNYC intends to employ many strategies to improve our means of transportation. For instance they have created pedestrian islands, which decrease crashes by 34%.
Question: How will Mayor Bill DeBlasio improve NYC’s methods of dealing with destructive natural disasters after they occur?