I’m so angry. I’m just so angry at the way people were treated after Katrina and that I’m only finding out about it just now. Reading this week’s articles, it feels like Hurricane Katrina was a scapegoat for the plans already in motion to make a “new” New Orleans, one that pushes out lower-income families and minorities to make room for people of greater wealth. Police brutality is always a problem for those in the lower-income bracket, particularly for people of color, and so it’s hardly a surprise that verbal and physical abuse were employed, as well as unfair arrests. I’ve said this before in response to some readings, but it’s important not to forget that human beings are just that: human. While it may be more economically feasible to drive out poorer people, it’s not eradicating the problem. It does make me wonder, though: do y’all think the public housing would have been destroyed if Katrina hadn’t happened? Because I’m starting to think it would.