I don’t even really know where to go with these readings this week. Between governmental incompetence ranging from passively dangerous (underfunding) to actively harmful (policing), in response to states of emergency, I wonder what the point of government is at all. I think I’m thinking like Marx, but our government’s neoliberal leanings seem not to care very much for its people and only about what is most beneficial to the capitalist market system—handing out food and blankets does not help the invisible hand, so its uncared for. It would explain why the semi-anarchic Occupy movement would have gotten involved so readily. But how do you even go about fixing these problems? Can that be done on a community level? If the problem is funding, how do you get more besides just, well, asking, then being denied? If the problem is policing, how do you deal with those police from a community-level, if the people who could take actions against them are the very people responsible for giving their actions the green light? How are any of these problems solved without some grand governmental overhaul, which we can’t enact from our position as citizens anyway?