Special announcement: 4/14 Field Trip

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I am happy to announce that Brooklyn’s Interference Archive will be able to accommodate us for a guided tour of their new exhibit, “We Won’t Move: Tenants Organize in New York City” on Tuesday, April 14. We will tour the show from 4-5pm, in lieu of our previously scheduled class meeting. The exhibit is billed as “an exploration of collective action by NYC tenants for decent and affordable housing from the 1940s to the present.” As such, it overlaps significantly with our focus on New York City’s housing crisis. The topic is also central to questions of income inequality – the focus of that week’s readings – as so many households experience shelter poverty due to the affordable housing shortage and wealthy landlords and developers see their incomes rise as a result. To reiterate: Our Tuesday, April 14 class will be held at Interference Archive, 131 8th Street, No. 4, Brooklyn, NY 11215 from 4-5pm, NOT in Boylan Hall. Please do not be late.

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About Owen Toews

I am a PhD candidate in Geography at the CUNY Graduate Center where I research neoliberalism, settler colonialism, and the production of space. In past years I taught Urban Life 101 and Urban Revitalization in the department of Urban Affairs and Planning at Hunter College. I am a founding member of the DIY museum collective Winnipeg Arcades Project, where we experiment with different ways of combining knowledge and artistic production and display.

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