The Gowanus and Red Hook has been noted for its low-income public housing complex for around three thousand residents; when hurricane Sandy struck a lot of buildings were damaged from the inside and out. It took a while before the water was drained, damaged was assessed, and power was restored. This delay had a severe consequence on the residents in the Gowanus. Some of the residents were unable to use their medical equipments without the electricity. The elder residents were trapped on the tops floors surviving off of what remained in their homes. There were some volunteers who helped pass medical supplies, food, and flashlights. However, some buildings still remained powerless even weeks after Sandy hit. Most of the residents did not know when power would come on. Inquires on when the power would return proved fruitless. Most officials of NYCHA didn’t know anything.
Question: Has the city made any improvement in contingency plans for power outages in public housing areas?