Reading these articles is admittedly frustrating. It is frustrating because people realize there is a problem – mounting inequality in the political and economic spheres – but little is being done to remedy it. Sure Occupy Wall Street gave it a go, but it ultimately fizzled out, despite the evocative language used in the #OWS reading. Occupy Wall Street attempted revolutionary change – if the Harvey piece can be believed – yet it failed to deliver despite public support. I fear that the problem is apathy. Thanks to publications like the New York TImes, countless people are aware of the gravity of American income inequality. However, very few people believe there is anything we can actually do to change it. After all, money is power. How are we, the 99%, supposed to change the state of affairs without large sums of cash? How are we supposed to change the dominating principle of money buying power and influence? I don’t know if realistically there is a way to change this; it would mean an ideological paradigm shift. But maybe not believing it is possible is part of the problem.