The article “Oxfam study finds richest 1% is likely to control half of global wealth by 2016” shows a wide-spread concern focused primarily on the gap that is ever-increasing between the extremely rich and the painstakingly poor of the world. This article impresses me in showing how the richest percentage of the world can easily control an important and vital amount of money in the economic world. For instance, the connections and the amounts of investments that can be summed up by these people can easily determine the future of many corporations as well as international multi-millionaire businesses. Other than believing this as an inevitable end that will happen, the wealth that is just gathered in such few hands, can be redistributed at a much widespread rate. In addition, this article also begins to make you think of several possibilities that will eventually lead to a much more desired outcome, for example heavier taxes for the rich, much more money limitations and a lot more taxes for trivial activities that can only be afforded by the richest people of the world. Yet on the flipside, the immensity of such a project will never be a one-night job so what do you think? What improvements or ideas do you have that will limit the rich and help the poor without endangering or boosting the middle class of the world?