The following statement is a real eye-opener: “The 80 wealthiest people in the world altogether own $1.9 trillion […] nearly the same amount shared by the 3.5 billion people who occupy the bottom half of the world’s income scale.” This fact is absolutely mind boggling, and how it could even be true is a whole different story. To think that most of the world’s wealth is held by only 80 people is utterly insane. This shift to private money holders is becoming apparent because there has been a shift from public funding to private funding for various projects. For example, the High Line in NYC is a park that was mainly funded by private donors. Its really beautiful, and when I went to visit the park, I actually did notice that the only types of people visiting the park were tourists, runners, or cyclers who lived near by. It’s a great park and a wonderful way to use the money that the wealthy have, but there is always a better use for excess money.
Question: Is there any hope for the wealth to be distributed among the lower income population, or are the “rich just going to get richer and the poor, poorer.”?