Reading Response 4/14

It’s not a surprise to me that the Oxfam study revealed an increase in the likelihood of the wealthy controlling half of the global wealth. For one, we live in an increasingly global world in which country lines blur in the realm of economics; for two, the disparity between the upper and lower class is ever-increasing and the difference in wages is dramatic. It reminds me of the semi-crazed assertion that thirteen families control the world through money power that, though a bit conspiratorial for my taste, holds more weight than I’d like to admit. The issue brought up in all of these posts is that of the large disparity between the wealth of the rich and that of the poor, and unfortunately none seem to present a viable option for eradicating this. As “The Party of Wall Street Meets Its Nemesis” puts it: “The struggle is global as well as local in nature.” Is there a way to battle and shrink this wage gap on a local scale that will then affect on a larger one?

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