Economic rewards are far more lopsided in the US than in European countries, this inequality drives American poverty rates. In sociology the champagne glass distribution theory of inequality, is used to explain the unequal global distribution of income. 925 million people are hungry in the world, 1 billion people do not have access to clean drinking water, and 2.3 million children die from preventable diseases. It really says something if 1% of the population control half of global wealth. It only adds to the issue if the 1% of the population only uses their money for leisure and entertainment. There should be a limit to how much a person could own; imagine owning $1.9 trillion, at some point all your needs and desires would have been met and the rest of the money would have been redundant. The rest of that money could be allocated for better services, towards the needy, homeless, and the poor. Instead billionaires are spending their money on leisure activities like building a billionaire park that will only have use for tourists, instead of using them on the community. Is there a way to solve the global inequality problem?