Zero Tolerance and Quality of Life Policing

“Quality of life policing” is probably one of the most hypocritical and unjust phrases I have ever heard. It is supposedly aimed at making neighborhoods and cities safer and more enjoyable places to live. However, this better quality of living is not for everyone. It is reserved only for those who fit or conform to society’s standards of what is considered “normal.”  For those who do not fit into this very narrow category, quality of life is significantly decreased.

Broken windows theory is an idea used to support zero tolerance and quality of life policing. Interestingly enough, this theory can be used to describe this type of policing. If we allow police officers to do whatever they please when it comes to “enforcing the law,” they will take advantage of vulnerable populations. Many police officers have gone unpunished for serious CRIMES they have committed under the guise of zero tolerance policing.

Also, quality of life policing is meant to improve PUBLIC spaces, when it is really taking these spaces away from the public, especially those who need it most. Our country spends the most on incarceration instead of things like healthcare.

Question: Should there be a zero tolerance policy placed on police officers?

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