4/28 Reading

“Canaries of the Creative Age” discusses how community organization is a beneficial way to accomplish agendas that governments have been putting off or declining to look at. One such issue is the “Quality of Life”, similar to what we discussed last week about zero tolerance policing in order to improve crimes rates, safety, and the overall neighborhood. In this week’s reading there was an activist group named FIERCE based in Greenwich Village, which sought to remove this way of policing from their neighborhood. Expect, the entire community did not agree with this group. The community wanted policing to stay how it is, so the neighborhood can be safer. The community claimed that it was prostitution that brought “shady youths” into the neighborhood (aka LGBT groups) This group, which was in support of LGBT, wanted to remove this mentality and wanted to stop discrimination of this kind against this community. It was one of the first opposition that the general public faced to be forced to accept LGBT communities. It supposedly worked, because nowadays the LGBT has succeeded in many of their missions.


How and is this model of community organization be used today to ensure all inequality is erased?

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