Response to Week 2 Readings – Izabela Suster

“Criminalizing Homelessness” and “The Homeless” provide an academic and anthropological perspective, as the articles define specific terms used in the field and political arena, when discussing homelessness. The brevity of both articles is admirable. Together, the two articles list four major ways homeless is criminalized, provide solutions and give a brief overview of housing policy change in the 70s and 90s.

“Hidden City”, by contrast, provides the “human” perspective, on homelessness, with anecdotes and quotes from NYC’s homeless residents. The back and forth between Markee, Brosnahan and Gibbs was well delivered, reading like a political debate, staged for an audience of one: the reader. By comparison, the remainder of the article was poorly delivered. Frazier fails to cite any credible sources and uses phrases like “more than”, “probably” and “hundreds’ rather than whole integers, when delivering statistical information. Perhaps the most upsetting is Frazier’s habit of putting statistics in terms of the size of football stadiums. This comparison may appeal to some readers but for others, this method fails to address the sad, widespread reality of homelessness.

Question: As of February 2015, what is DeBlasio’s public housing agenda?

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