Reading Response 2: Homelessness in the City

All three of the readings give a comprehensive overview of the situation of homelessness in New York City. In “Criminalizing Homelessness” and “The Homeless,” we get a clear picture of how most cities treat homelessness and some of the possible causes for the increase in homelessness since the 1970s. “Banking on Vacancy” offers a possible solution to the problem- stopping warehousing thereby increasing affordable housing- and “Hidden City” gives a more hands-on account about the shelter system in New York City.

While reading “Hidden City,” I decided to look up each of the shelters mentioned to get a better idea of what the conditions were like. Interestingly enough, most of the people in the pictures were African American. As in Black Corona, the homeless population is mostly made up of black people, most likely due to institutionalized discrimination. Inside the shelters were mostly decrepit looking, and one even looked like the walls were falling apart.

It was also interesting to read about the people’s comments about shelter life. Most dread staying in a shelter while others would rather receive money to get their own apartment. So, the question is: Why doesn’t the government listen and find a way to stop warehousing and give these people a way to earn money for affordable apartment rent?

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