Reading Response 6

Upon reading the statistics presented in PlaNYC, I’m really interested to see what the proposed fixes are to eradicate the threat of climate change. Unfortunately, people would need to radically change themselves and their actions – going above and beyond just participating in a march. A digression: it reminds me of the people who hop on board of the next bandwagon without taking the time to fully understand it. These same individuals who rail against global warming are later going to go home to the lights they forgot to turn off and the plastic in most things we all earn – this same plastic with a carbon footprint of about 6 kg CO2 per kg of plastic. Global warming is a huge problem; I’m not denying it. However, there is much confusion over the best ways to go about fixing it. It’s frustrating that PlaNYC doesn’t even touch upon what is now possibly the best bet for alleviating the problems of climate change: geoengineering.

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