About Owen Toews

I am a PhD candidate in Geography at the CUNY Graduate Center where I research neoliberalism, settler colonialism, and the production of space. In past years I taught Urban Life 101 and Urban Revitalization in the department of Urban Affairs and Planning at Hunter College. I am a founding member of the DIY museum collective Winnipeg Arcades Project, where we experiment with different ways of combining knowledge and artistic production and display.

Bring proof of MoMA attendance by 2/24

Thanks to everybody for your thoughtful engagement with the Uneven Development exhibit today at MoMA. For those of you who did not attend the MoMA show with the rest of the class today, please bring proof that you went to the show to class next week. A ticket stub or a photo you took at the show will do. I won’t accept these after next class, so make sure to see it before Tuesday!

Please, 150-200 words maximum.

Congratulations to Kyle and Allegra for being the first to post reading responses for this week!  But everyone, from now on, please stick to the 150-200 word stipulation. It is not a suggested word count, and 200 is not the minimum, it is the maximum. Distilling your thoughts in to a limited number of words is a valuable skill that you will be forced to develop in this course. And this way we can all – hopefully – have time to read each other’s responses. Thank you!


Welcome to the course web site for Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of New York City! (MCHC 2002 -16939 at Brooklyn College). This is where you will find everything you need to know about the course – assignments, readings, syllabus – and where you will post your work as you complete it.