The Story

  Three years ago in December 2011, I found Zurich. Our connection was instant and inexplicable.  Soon after my arrival at the Hauptbanhof I stood atop the Limmerstat, the founding Roman hill of Zurich, led there by city’s quiet paths to the place where his story began. All roads lead to Rome is especially true …


This is the website for my Senior Thesis, Welcome! This thesis reflects one year of research on Emma Kunz (1892-1963) a woman who during her lifetime was known as a healer, but who always considered herself a researcher. Because of the hundreds of abstract drawings left to us as her legacy, she is now considered …


Read the Abstract and Full-Text of my Thesis here.   Thesis Abstract: Little known but highly deserving of recognition, healer Emma Kunz (1892-1963) defined herself primarily as a researcher into the depiction of forces that interact with the body. Her unorthodox experiments comprised a prolific corpus of abstract drawings, which she used in her healing …