Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Entry Four.

December 16, 2011 | Leave a Comment

I received this message from Cheryl this morning (all personal information has been redacted): Dear Troy, I know you don’t believe me. I barely believe myself. I have been crosschecking the information in the account against the few historical documents we have (archival information from the New York Times, government records, you know what I […]

Entry Three: Hmm.

December 10, 2011 | Leave a Comment

Recently, one of the commentator’s on J. Stevens’ (better known by her online handle Pandora) blog contacted me. We had never interacted before, so I cannot imagine how she chose me to contact, but she claims that a friend of hers has discovered what appears to be a genuine Memory Project fragment. I am, as […]

A friend of mine asked me recently what would happen if the Memory Project were actually discovered. Surprisingly, even after all the years that I have spent looking for it, the question stumped me for quite a long time. When I first began to search for the Memory Project, it was a personal quest and […]

Entry One: Introduction

November 28, 2011 | 1 Comment

I first heard about the Memory Project when I was twelve. Well, probably I had heard of it before, but at age twelve it blossomed into a lifelong interest. My parents had been alive during the Fall, but they had very little to say about it. The years of political and economic instability, the calamitous […]