How to find, edit, and embed a video from your Vado Cam

I uploaded your partners’ videos into either your iPhoto or your desktop.

  1. Describe the performance.
  2. What were the strengths of the performance?
  3. What worked about it?
  4. What elements were used?
  5. You may also reflect on the differences between watching the video onscreen vs. in-person; the differences between creating a piece and watching one.

To upload the video to this blog, use the Upload/Insert button above the text editor. Choose “From Computer” and find your movie.  Once you find it, while you’re on this screen, copy the File URL which appears in a text box (should have */file/* somewhere in the url, and should end in .mp4). Don’t actually insert the files, but select and copy the URL of your movie (ie: copy using command+C).

Then, make a new post and embed the video and picture with the shortcode as follows:



Optional: If you must edit the video, open iMovie. A tutorial can be found here.  Be sure to save your edits. If you use iMovie, then please do not forget to click Share > Export Movie.