Alvin’s Self-Portrait

Alvin’s self-portrait was a great representation of not only himself, but of many young people today.  In his performance, Alvin sat at his laptop and spoke aloud what he was doing on his computer.  It was simple in the number of props used; however, it was well thought out, and it presented a deeper meaning than just a love of Facebook or computers.

What I liked most about Alvin’s self-portrait was how relatable it was.  He spoke about things that we as teenage college students can understand easily because we experience them everyday.  Initially, many young people spend a good amount of time on social media sites including Facebook.  We update our statuses, message friends, and use smiley faces like Alvin did in his presentation.  On the other hand, Alvin also used his Facebook-inspired presentation to express himself and his feelings, which we can all relate to.

In his presentation, Alvin included comments about our seminar and the presentation he was doing putting his performance in real time.  He also mentioned how he was in front of the class, but he did not particularly like it, showing a shyer side of himself.  The way he was seated during the presentation, almost hiding behind his laptop, also shows a shyer side.  Still, he was able to perform well and get his message across to the class.  Alvin also showed a humorous side of himself in his performance.  His comments about staying awake in lecture and affording food showed a witty side of himself.

An important topic that Alvin covered in his Facebook-themed self-portrait was the fact that social media and the Internet in general can cause people to become easily distracted.  He says that he has chapters to read for another class; however, Facebook is more interesting and less tedious.  This generation’s youth can often be distracted from their work by social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.  The internet overall can be very distracting to all people, not solely the younger generation, although they seem to be most affected due to the fact that these social media sites have been becoming popular in their generation.

Although I was filming Alvin’s performance, I tried not to look at it too much through the lens.  It is better to see things in person than on a screen because the screen cannot really capture as much detail and emotion as your eyes can.  Ultimately, I enjoyed Alvin’s performance very much.  He was able to take something as common as sitting at your computer and turn it into commentaries about himself and life in general.  His self-portrait was extremely relatable which kept the audience focused and intrigued.

3 thoughts on “Alvin’s Self-Portrait

  1. The trouble was how it was uploaded. delete the movie, and try to upload again from your computer to the site. If you’d like to meet or talk, I will be at Macaulay from 2:30 on.

  2. Export from iPhoto before uploading again.
    Open iphoto, then
    >File Export, Kind: original
    Then save to desktop under a different filename and try to follow the instrucitons again.

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