Assignment for October 17th

Assignment for October 17:

  • Post your Snapshot Photo under Project Archive by Sunday, October 14th, 12 pm.
  • Prepare Caretaker Studies-study in stillness and space to be presented on October 17th at Cabaret Space at Macaulay Honors College
  • View Jerome Bel’s “Veronique Doisneau”!  Research Jerome Bel and be prepared to discuss his work in relation to contemporary dance.
  • Begin reading John Steinbeck- The Grapes of Wrath for Builder’s Association’s A House Divided

October 17-Meet at Macaulay Honors College – Cabaret Space-Bring Computers

  • View Caretaker Studies
  • Discussion of Jerome Bel and Pina Bausch.
  • Composition Exercise in Stillness, Space and “Ways of Seeing”
  • “Sharing your art as a gift”-Extending Studies to be given to the caretaker