I chose my dad as my caretaker for both of my poses. He probably wouldn’t want me to tell everyone how old he is, so I’ll just tell you that he’s in his fifties. My dad works in Staten Island as a Sergeant in New York State Supreme Courts, and he spends the rest of his time taking care of my mom, sister, brother, myself, and the rest of my family. My dad is one of the most important people in my life, and he most definitely is one of my main caretakers.
My realistic pose was of me lying on the stage with my hands behind my head and my feet crossed. I was trying to portray my father sleeping. At home, we always see my dad sleeping a lot whether it be in his room, on the couch, at night, or in the middle of the day. I wasn’t trying to say that he is lazy or carefree because he really is not. He works hard at his job, runs errands, and does many things to help my family. I’d like to think he’s just tired from all that he does so he likes to nap often. Honesty, I probably get my crazy sleeping habits from him. It was interesting to hear the different ideas about whom I was portraying. Some classmates did think I was a man because of the way I placed my hands. Still, many people were wrong in the age and gender of the person in my pose.
My abstract pose was of me standing in an almost “Superman” position with my head tilted upward and my hands on my hips. I was trying to convey a “superhero” quality of my father. Many people thought I was portraying a woman because of the way my hands were placed and my head was lifted; however, I was actually trying to show a sense of confidence and strength that my dad possesses. Even when I was younger I always perceived my dad as very strong and protective. Growing up, he has always supported me and made me feel safe. Although I don’t see him everyday since I live in the dorms, I still know that he supports me and cares about me. His continued encouragement in my life made transitioning into college life easier. Even though he really didn’t want me to leave home, he supported my decision to dorm and to get a full college experience. I chose my dad for this pose because I truly believe that our relationship has helped me to grow knowing that he’ll always be there when I need him.