Updated step-by-step instructions for posting your videos

If you are having trouble viewing your video, here is how to fix it.
1) Log in to your post
2) Click EDIT
3) Erase the current line where the video is supposed to be posted (I may have already done so for you)
4) Above the text box, click “Upload/Insert”
5) Select Files –From Computer
6) Find the original video that i put onto your computer, choose it andWait for it to upload — You will see a blue bar
7) Once uploaded, in the new little bar, find the Link URL. Select the URL by pressing Command+A and copy by pressing Command+C
8) NOW CLOSE THE LITTLE BOX by pushing the “X” on the upper RH corner. DO NOT PUSH THE BUTTON INSERT INTO POST.
9) now type a “[” and then write “video mp4=”
10) After the = sign, paste the link by pressing Command+V and after the link type a “]”
11) Click the Blue Update button to the right.