Lisa Torre

Hi!  My name is Lisa Torre.  I’m from Staten Island, NY, and I’ve lived there my whole life.  I grew up in a two-family house with my parents and two younger siblings as well as my cousins and my aunt.  As of now I want to be a doctor and possibly major in math.  Growing up I’ve done multiple sports from dance to basketball, but eventually I settled on cheerleading which I did for about nine years.  Music and dance are two components of cheerleading, so technically cheering was a way that art filled my life for a long time.

I find art very interesting, especially music.  I’ve loved listening to music my whole life.  I probably annoyed everyone in the house with all of the dancing and singing I would do, and sometimes still do.  I like different types of music and artists from the Beatles to boy bands to Lady Gaga.  I also enjoy travelling and seeing the art and architecture of places around the world.  One of my favorite places is Paris, France, because I love the buildings and the atmosphere, especially the Eiffel Tower.  Although I’m not too good at it, I also like photography and drawing.

What I like most about music and art in general is the different emotions they can create.  I love how different paintings, photos, sculptures, and songs can almost take you to another place and make you feel different things.