For my caretaker study, I decided to emulate my dad both realistically and abstractly. My dad’s a funny person who loves to talk. Whenever he meets someone new, he tends to talk nonstop. He loves being social. All of my friends who have met him think that he’s the funniest/coolest dad out there, but I personally think he’s weird [in a good way]. He can be annoyingly suffocating, strict, and overbearing, but I think that overall, I’m a pretty lucky guy to have him as a dad.

For my realistic pose, I decided to do a pose that he does when he’s just sitting and listening to music or when he’s sitting anywhere and just people watches. When he does this, he just sits and looks ahead with one leg atop the other. He has a slight smile every time I see him do this pose; I don’t know why.

For my abstract pose, I decided to highlight his indecisiveness. To do so, I took off part of my sweatshirt and one of shoes, and I tried to look confused. My dad always needs confirmation on a place to eat or on something to do before actually doing it. For example, if we want to eat out for dinner and he’s in the driver’s seat, he’ll keep asking what we want to eat (and we’ll tell him), but he ends up choosing some other place. He doesn’t know what he wants most of the time. This doesn’t mean he can’t make up a decision, though. He works as a Senior Vice President at Citigroup, so he has to make decisions; but as a regular dad, he’s pretty indecisive.