Assignment for October 31

Blog and Assignment for October 31:
• Blog B-discuss The House Divided in relationship to Dixon’s discourse on “liveness” referring to Benjamin, Barthes, Auslander and Phelan. Post by Sunday 12 pm.
• Blog A: comment and add to Blog B’s discourse. In addition, include in your discussion if the use of media enhanced the “live” aspect of the performance or dwarfed the non-mediated performers? Post by Tuesday 12 am.
• Get together with partner to record your “Smarthistory” version of classmate photo
• Make appointment with Jessica to review thesis statement.
• Research Jacques-Louis David, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in relation to the Age of Enlightenment to lead class discussion

October 31
Bring in the first paragraph of Paper 2 to share with the class
Be prepared to lead the Conference -The Age of Enlightenment – Jacques-Louis David, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart