Instructions for creating your SmartHistory-Style video

Step one:
I create the ePortfolio page where my photo will be. I enter a title, I categorize as “SmartHistory-style Photos,” and I insert a good version of the photo into my post.

I go to Upload/Insert above the post rectangle, and I find the photograph that I want to talk about. I insert the photo into the post. And I save.

Step two:
When I have the time, I meet with my partner, and begin my SmartHistory Recording.  One one computer, you will have the photo you will analyze while you talk. You can use these instructions on the second computer. On a second computer, you will:

>open Garageband
>New Project
Click one of the recordings (Male voice or Female voice) and begin recording.
**Test the recording to make sure all is working fine.
Proceed with analyzing the photograph.

See this Apple tutorial for more help.


Step three:
Edit your recording down to three minutes max. (it can be between 2 and 3 minutes). Do this in Garageband by clicking Edit >Split and then >Split again and delete the chunk in the middle.

Step four:
Export your recording from Garageband. When your editing is complete, in Garageband, go to Share > Export Song to iTunes

Step five:
Insert the recording into the post. Here is how.
1) Go to the post that you began with your photograph on it, and click the little “Edit” button.
2) Go to Upload/Insert and find your recording in the finder. Clik, and let it upload (May take awhile.)
3) As with the mp4 videos, DO NOT INSERT INTO POST.  Instead copy (Command+C) the URL location of the podcast.
4) Scroll down, well below the window, and you will see podPress settings.
5) Clik Add Media File Button and paste your link into the Location. Type a title, and press auto detect for File Size and Included in.

If you are more visual and would like to see this done, check my friend Jenny’s screencast. (She’s an ITF at Brooklyn College).

PUBLISH! You’re all done. You should see your recording as a little play button arrow, as in this example.