Josh Self – Portrait

Before even mentioning the elements of Josh’s self – portrait, I have to commend how relaxed and composed he was while doing what everyone in the class hoped they did not have to do: present first.

Josh started his presentation taking out several dishes of food, one by one. He did not rush, nor did he show any signs of nervousness. Right away, the class was already anticipating what Josh would do with the food. The way he took out the dishes showed that Josh is patient and careful. He wrote different things on the tops of the containers of food, such as “new experiences” and “new foods”. He then tried every one of the foods. Each container represented Josh’s love for new things and curiosity towards life. He has a free spirit and is very open minded.

One of my favorite parts of Josh’s self-portrait was his subtle involvement of the audience. He had stated that the salad was extra for “everyone to share”, showing more of his caring and generous personality. When he also stated little comments like “tastes good”, we all wanted to come and try the food right next to him. The fact that Josh left the “new friends” dish for last involved the audience even more, because we all felt as if we were part of the “new friends” dish that Josh was willing to try and were left with this feeling even when the presentation ended. From Josh’s self-portrait we can already tell that Josh is excited for all the “new” things life has to offer him as a freshman at Macaulay and over all a careful, curious, and people-loving individual.

Unfortunately, the video of Josh’s self portrait is too large to upload for this site 🙁

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