Daily Archives: October 11, 2013

Kertesz Picture

Distortion, by Kertesz is a marvelous composition. The picture seemingly breaks the rule of thirds but putting its main “horizontal” – meaning horizon-al not horizontal – diagonally through the center of the picture. However, this breaks the picture up into … Continue reading

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Feeding the Ducks in the Late Afternoon

Feeding the Ducks in the Late Afternoon is a photograph taken by Andre Kertesz in Tisza Szalka, a village in eastern Hungary, in 1924.  What really struck me about this photo is the effect that black and white color can … Continue reading

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The Lake at Central Park

When I walked to see James Turrell’s exhibit at the Guggenheim in September, I took the scenic route through Central Park and was amazed by the beauty of the natural scene in the middle of the urban jungle that is … Continue reading

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Snapshot Day Sunset

When I took this picture of the sun setting behind the castle on the Great Lawn in Central Park, I was trying to show the severity of color contrast and how it can make a piece stunning.  The sky is … Continue reading

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André Kertész’s “Wandering Violinist”

André Kertész’s “Wandering Violinist” is an excellent illustration of the concept of the Golden Ratio through the Rule of Thirds. It demonstrates the effects good composition can have. I was drawn to this photo due to both the composition and … Continue reading

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Rue des Ursins

André Kertész’s photograph Rue des Ursins immediately captured my attention because of its sense of desolation and mystery. It depicts a lonely street in what seems to be a town in France (rue means road in French) and it is curious … Continue reading

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Kyle deCamp’s Urban Renewal

Reminiscent of the ancient bards and storytellers, Kyle decamp told the story of her childhood in Chicago with reference to the Urban Renewal project, which just so happens to be the title of this performance. The Urban Renewal project displaced … Continue reading

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