Kertesz Picture


Distortion, by Kertesz is a marvelous composition. The picture seemingly breaks the rule of thirds but putting its main “horizontal” – meaning horizon-al not horizontal – diagonally through the center of the picture. However, this breaks the picture up into two separate pictures themselves each following the rule of thirds, which helps to add extreme distance between two realistically close objects.

Furthermore, the added distance creates room between both pictures giving them space to move towards each other – ironic that they are seemingly being drawn towards each other whilst having the illusion of being so far apart.

I also liked how the woman was naked, not because of the nudity involved though. I didn’t even notice there was a naked women in the picture right away because I was so focused on the rest of the picture, trying to piece it all together and trying to feel the distortion. Another reason for me liking the nudity in this picture is because it seems like it fits. This is a picture about distortion, not about a naked women, the nudity and sexuality doesn’t seem to be there to draw you into the picture, rather it is there naturally.

The picture focuses on bending the imaginary rule-of-thirds lines, and giving the two opposite pictures, one real and one distortion, space to be their own pictures yet at the same time magnetically attracting them together by giving them space, visually, to move towards each other.

I don’t know how I plan to integrate this style into my own snapshot, as I think it is very complicated to do and would require a much greater knowledge of photography than I posses. Having said that I have always been interested in duality (ironically enough I am a gemini – an athiest gemini) and this photo has allowed me to see one possible way to set up two opposing images.


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