Author Archives: karengregory

Posts by karengregory

Snapshot Day– From Dean Ugoretz

Hi everyone,

You should have received this email from Dean Ugoretz today. Please read:

Hello Class of 2017!

As most of you probably already know, Friday, October 11, is the date of the annual Snapshot NYC.

What does this mean to you? This means that all of you, every Macaulay freshman, will take a photograph on that day. Every year on October 11, since 2006, we have been collecting these photos, building an archive of Macaulay students’ views of New York City on the same date every year.

Your photo can be of any subject–anything that represents how you see New York City on that day–at the intersection of who you are and what you see in your city. You don’t need a fancy camera (anything that takes pictures will do), you just need your creative eye and inquiring heart.

After you take the photo, you will upload it to an online gallery (by October 25!!) and a team of student curators, led by a curatorial associate, will mount all the photos in an exhibition at the Macaulay building, which you will come to see and experience on Sunday, December 8. (Your Arts in NY Seminar professor may also ask you to discuss your submissions in class).

You can find instructions for how to upload your photo at

The online gallery will be open for viewing, commenting and sharing, so tell your friends, family and classmates to have a look. (after October 11, of course, when your photos begin to be there to be seen!)

If you want to have a look at some of the photos from last year, they are here

Or maybe you’re interested in being one of the student curators for the event? If so, drop me an email. The student curators get to work with our Curatorial Associate, Corey D’Augustine, an artist and experienced curator. They get to shape the show that will be exhibited December 8, get a great credential to put on a resume, and even get some free dinners!

I’m very much looking forward to seeing your photos! Don’t forget to shoot them on October 11–anytime in that 24-hour period.

Uploading Your Video to the Course Site

Hi all:

I know some of you are having difficulty uploading your videos. This may be because the videos are too large for our site. Instead of uploading directly, upload to Youtube (or Vimeo, if you prefer) and then post the link to you video in a post (remember to categorize your posts.) If you’d like, you can mark a Youtube video as “unlisted”, which means only people you share the link with can see the video. Instructions are here:

Change in Homepage

Hi all:

Just a little change for the homepage– “Next Week’s Assignments” are now found under the tab in the menu. Make sure to check and read those posts.

What will show up here now are any posts marked with the category “Thoughts to Share.”

And, I’m working on getting the comments to fully appear.

– Karen

“Next Week Assignment”

When Professor Uchizono posts to the category “next week’s assignments”, these posts should now show up on the front page (as well as under the tab “next week’s assignments.)


Welcome to Seminar One

Welcome to your course site for Seminar One at Hunter College: The Arts in New York City. My name is Karen Gregory and I am a PhD student in the department of sociology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. I will be the Instructional Technology Fellow for your course. You can read more about me here:

I look forward to working with each of you this semester!

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