Author Archives: uchizono

Posts by uchizono

Assignment for Thanksgiving Week

We do not have class on Thursday , November 28th – Thanksgiving Day

Your papers are due on Wednesday, November 27th.

A friendly reminder:   I don’t accept late papers so please make sure you have them in no later than Wednesday night, midnight.  

Have a great Thanksgiving!!

Coming up to the home stretch

Hello Art Explorers,

I hope you enjoyed the wonderful John Jasperse.

We are coming up to the home stretch and have two more classes left.

Please remember to turn in your paper on Wednesday, November 27th.  I don’t accept late papers so please make sure you have them in no later than Wednesday night, midnight.  

On December 5, you will have a guest artist (or yours truly) who will talk about the upcoming performance of my company.  There will be another opportunity for a quick look at some of the presentations, though it will be in the classroom and not the cabaret space.  

You will come to NYLA on Friday night December 6 for Donna Uchizono Company’s season.

Final Presentations will be presented on December 12th at Macaulay Honor College’s cabaret space.


Blog Post Assignment

Both Blog A and B will review Jerome Bel and Theater Hora “Disabled Theater” performance.

Please include in your discussion, if you feel Jerome Bel has any responsibility to the actors of Theater Hora beyond the performances, once the performances are over.  If he doesn’t have a responsibility beyond the performances,  is he exploiting their disability for the sake of creating a controversial work?  Post by Sunday, November 17 – midnight.

John Jasperse will give as many second views of your work that he can fit in next Thursday.  Be prepared.

Remember that your paper is due on WEDNESDAY, November 27th, the day BEFORE Thanksgiving.

Final last four weeks!

Hello Art Explorers,

We are coming to the last four weeks of our art exploring adventure.

1)  Next week, the wonderful John Jasperse will be your guide and how lucky we are to have such a choreographer of note look at your work.  John will spend more time with Prima, Michael, Keith and Yasmin’s work before he takes a second look at the other work.  Please be prepared for a second showing.  You will be at Macaulay Honors College again.

2)  The Following week is Thanksgiving-Papers are due the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

3)  The first week of December will be a shorter class (I will let you know).  Someone from Donna Uchizono’s Company cast (or yours truly) will come and talk about the performance that you will see on Friday, December 6.  If it’s someone like Levi Gonzalez, he can also take a look at work.

4)  The final class, November 12 will be our final presentations at Macaulay’s Cabaret Space.

Please see Jerome Bel blog post assignment under Next Week’s Assignment tab.


donna uchizono

Assignment for November 14 – Macaulay Cabaret Space

The first draft of your Final Presentations is due next week.  A reminder:  As I mentioned in class on October 31, your homework is very light to give you plenty of time to work on your final presentations.  Do not take these presentations lightly.

The first draft of your final presentation should be well-thought out and REHEARSED. Remember, you want to make your presentation as interesting as possible.  This assignment is not something you can throw together in one or two days.  You need to spend time working on the your presentation, rehearse it, edit it, rehearse again and edit. I have not given you any blog assignments or readings so that you have time to work on your presentations.    I highly recommend you have a colleague take a look at it before you come to class on Thursday to give you comments, feedback and critiques.  Then continue to work on the presentation.  I recommend taking this first draft seriously.

And for those who have not seen your Judson Church performance please make your plans to attend one of the performances.  There are only a couple left.



Hello Art Explorers,

Thank you for your interview panel discussions.  I will let the interviewees know how you presented them.  

The first draft of your Final Presentations is due next week.  A reminder:  As I mentioned in class on October 31, your homework is very light to give you plenty of time to work on your final presentations.  Do not take these presentations lightly.  Please look at Next Weeks Assignments.   

And for those who have not seen your Judson Church performance, do plan on attending one performance.


donna uchizono

Assignment for November 7

  • Choose one of the Monday’s at Judson Church Performance to attend if you haven’t already (There are only three performances left)

We will be discussing choreographer Jerome Bel

Before you watch Veronique Doisneau you must watch the pas de deux from Swan Lake to place the piece in context:

Prepare Second Panel Discussion

Prepare for Quiz – Art Movements and Dance Topics Covered in class

Begin to prepare your final presentation

Blog and Assignment for October 31

Blog and Assignment for October 31:

  • Blog A-discuss Two Boys in relationship to Dixon’s discourse on “liveness” referring to Benjamin, Barthes, Auslander and Phelan.  Post by Sunday 12 midnight.
  • Blog B:  Comment and not only agree or disagree but add to Blog B’s discourse. In addition, include in your discussion if the use of media enhanced the “live” aspect of the performance or dwarfed the non-mediated performers? Post by Tuesday 12 afternoon.
  • Plan on attending one Monday at Judson Church Performance if you haven’t already
  • Be prepared for the “Quiz”.  (Please e-mail me your “Quiz” questions)

Blog and Assignment for October 24

Blog and Assignment for October 24

  • Blog B – Review Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker Post by Sunday 10/20, 12 midnight.
  • Blog A – Comment on colleague’s critique and include your own review.  Post by Tuesday 10/22 12 pm.
  • Read Steve Dixon’s Digital Performance:  A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art and Installation (Chapter 1 pgs. 36-52)
  • Read Steve Dixon’s Digital Performance:  A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art and Installation (Chapter 6-pgs 115-134. It will be divided into two separate readings) Concentrate on discussion of media with the unmediated figure in performance, Peggy Phelan versus Phillip Auslander. ER

Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker – Saturday, October 19th – Meet in Lobby of the Opera House

Dear Art Explorers,

Thank you for sharing your caretaker studies today!

This Saturday, we will see Anna Teresa De Keersmaeker. Don’t forget your ticket!!!!!

As  I mentioned briefly in class, Anna Teresa De Keersmaeker comes out of the European dance/theater tradition, a style that her predecessor, Pina Bausch exemplified.  De Keersmaeker work tends to be more minimalist than Bausch.  The following are short examples of both Pina Bausch and Anna Teresa de Keersmaker and a New York Times Preview of the piece we will see by Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker.

For New York Times Previews go to:

See you on Saturday, October 19th at Brooklyn Academy of Music’ (BAM) 6:45-7pm in the lobby of the Howard Gilman Opera House (in the Peter Jay Sharp Bdlg) at 30 Lafayetee Avenue in Brooklyn.
For map of BAM go to:



Comments by uchizono