September 19

Self-Portraits were great!  

We will finish the remaining Self-Portraits on September 19.  Remember the Self-Portrait should be a minimum of 3 minutes, maximum of 5 minutes.  Please rehearse your Self-Portraits and time yourself.

Assignment for September 19

  • Remaining Self-Portraits
  • GO TO THE GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM (before lines become too long)
  • Read Sylvan Barnet – A Short Guide to Writing About Art-Analytic Thinking (Chapter 3 pgs. 47-112 in Barnet 9th Edition) and Formal Analysis and Style and Writing Comparisons (Chapter 4 & 5 pgs.113-150 Barnet 9th Edition) ER
  • Start to think of a thesis statement for Paper 1 to discuss in class
  • Plan your panel discussion with your partner (will be presented on September 26)
  • There will be no blog posts this week as we wait to view the remaning Self-Portrait but you will need to see ONE of the three free events listed below.
  • Choose from ONE of the following free events:

1)  Nature Theater of Oklahoma’s “Midnight Moment” visual component of their performance at Time Square  Every night at 11:57 till Sep 30 -Fri, Sept 1 – Mon, Sept 30 at 11:57 pm

2)  Ernesto Pujol-Time After Us Thu Oct 3 at 10:30 am to Fri, Oct 4 at 10:30 am (24) hours

3)  Tue, Sept 24 & Thu, Sept 26 from 4–8pm FIAF, Haskell Library Fri, Sept 27 from 12–4pm NYPL, Jefferson Market Branch.


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Meet at Macaulay Honors College in the second floor classroom!

 Assignment for September 12-Meet at Macaulay Honors College in the second floor classroom.

  •  Blog A:  Discuss the two art works you chose to analyze and why?  Now that you have visited MOMA, include in your discussion if viewing the work was altered  by the readings of Berger and Barnett in the way you thought it would be.   Post by Sunday, Sept 8, 12 pm.  Remember to include your name at the end of your post and make sure you categorize it under Blog A/B before you publish.
  • Blog B comment on Blog A’s posting while presenting your view- Discuss the two art works you chose to analyze and why? Post by the following Tuesday, Sept 10 12 am.  Remember to include you name at the end of the post.
  • Prepare your resources for Paper 1 (Wikipedia or Blogs cannot be used as reference sources)
  • You will need to see James Turrell’s exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum by September 25.  It is best to go earlier rather than wait till the last week.The Turrell exhibition is quite popular.  The later you wait the longer the lines will be.  Please make sure you spend enough time lying down viewing the first work to experience the changing optical perception.  The last piece has a long waiting line so allow yourself the time for your visit.
  • Begin preparations for  your “panel discussion” with your colleague.
  • Prepare your self portrait to present in class on September 12 (minimum of 3 minutes, maximum of 5 minutes)
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“Next Week Assignment”

When Professor Uchizono posts to the category “next week’s assignments”, these posts should now show up on the front page (as well as under the tab “next week’s assignments.)


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