Macaulay Seminar One at Brooklyn College
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Chicken Shack


The subject of the picture I will detail momentarily is not a chicken shack. Rather it is a women shot to death, which I thought is too gruesome to put as a title. The picture was captioned, “Nurse shot on her way to work by members of AWB who were randomly shooting at black people in Bophuthatswana,” and was taken by Fanie Jason.

The woman lay dead on her stomach with her face and toes facing away from the viewer, her head on the left side of the picture and her feet on the right. Her left hand was on the floor palm up and fingers bent halfway between flat and into a fist. Her right hand was not visible. She had dark-brown skin color. She wore a white knee-length skirt and a black shirt with sleeves that reached the elbow. A glimpse of a gold or silver necklace was visible on the back of her neck between her shirt and small afro. She wore black midsize heals. Now the gruesome part… A bit to the left of her head was an oval shaped puddle of blood around a foot wide with four streams stemming from it toward and out of the bottom left of the picture. One stream was larger than the rest since it was flowing along a split in the cement sidewalk. In the background were two shops. To the left, “Our Shop,” and to the right, “Chicken Shack,” as displayed on the upper few feet of each store. between them were two feet of dark emptiness with just a circular drainpipe on the bottom coming forward and stopping by the sidewalk with its opening facing us. Each had red bricks until around two feet up. Above the brickwork each had glass windows displaying of goods of each store. Our Shop had stacks of cookies on the first shelf and around two feet above on the second shelf were small clear bottles with red labels. Chicken Shack had only piles of sacks that each read 12.5 kg. The Chicken Shack glass had two bullet holes a few inches apart with spiderweb cracks surrounding them. On the floor to the left of the woman lay shards of glass: one larger triangle in the middle surrounded by smaller pieces. Faintly, a reflection of a car is visible through the glass window of Our Shop.

Crazy stuff…

Thanks Patrick for setting the trend of writing the review for “Luz” in the same post. Overall, the message of the play is understood. Problems of rape exist everywhere and victims are treated insensitively as shown by Luz screaming at the judge. The characters playing multiple parts confused me as it did others, I’m sure. Puppeteering could have been better. I would’ve suggested a darker stage with a white vulture but with the black vulture being the same color as puppeteers, they were too visible. The businessman character was entertaining as well and he gave over the message of the fact that large industries are ran by humans although some consider them to be monsters, like the man’s son.


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