Hitchcock was one of my favorite things we watched together this semester. I enjoyed how he made a sort of hind-sight movie in a sense, looking back at the production of his greatest success. It was inspiring to me, seeing how so many people said that “Psycho” was going to be a failure and was not going to be successful. It was shocking to see that all these people did not believe in him despite his success in the past. However, he was headstrong and did not let these people’s pessimisms discourage him. This was very inspiring to me.
The comedy show was not very good. The seats were limited and the first few acts were not funny. I ended up leaving after the first 3 performers. Apparently the show did get funnier as the night progressed, but I feel that they should’ve put their best performers first and put everyone in a laughing mood and a good mood. This way, the less funny performers would get more laughs because the audience will already be in a good mood and ready to laugh at anything even slightly funny.
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