Macaulay Seminar One at Brooklyn College
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Visit to the Opera!

Knowing myself, and knowing what I thought an opera was, I did not think I would have enjoyed the opera slightly. However, Tuesday nights opera really didn’t meet my expectations. The opera was different than the typical opera I thought it would be like. I really enjoyed the story line, the humor, and the stage. If it wasn’t for the subtitles behind each seat, I would not have known what was going on, so that was very helpful!
Shakespeare’s play incorporates three distinct realms – that of the humans, the fairies, and the men who put on the play in a play.
The orchestra was great! Every contour and style of music seems fitted and imaginatively to characters and mood. The curtains between intermissions slowly rose up and down, like breaths in a deep sleep, and lullabies, which all tied into the theme of night, dreams. The stage looks like a modern day diorama with stars and moon inside a black frame. Inside, you had things like mountains, a forest, and a tree branch connecting the four neon doors. It felt similar to how a Shakespeare play would have looked and been performed in Elizabethan times.
My favorite part of the opera was the children’s chorus. It both looked and sounded beautiful. It was very in sync and rhythmic; it was just was very enjoyable to watch.
I know it was Shakespeare’s play, but I would have hoped that the way the end played out between the four humans would have been a bit different. Im one of those helpless romantics and would have enjoyed seeing it a little more dramatic and unfolded a bit better.
It was overall a very enjoyable and classy night!


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